Now, at day 17, the death toll approaches 900, with over 4000 others injured. Almost a 1/3rd of the dead are children. The Israel death toll........ 11.... and i'v heard a couple of those were friendly fire incidents. What do you expect.... rocket launchers vs. the 2nd largest fleet of F-16's in the world. Second of course to its supplier of weapons, the grand old U.S.

I am most defiantly picking sides with the Palestinians, not justifying the attacks from Hamas, but it's completely understandable. They are an occupied nation. And you can't defend yourself from inside the nation you are occupying. Thats like holding up a corner store, and defending shooting the owner by saying " he had a baseball bat."
There is one nation's leader who I would like to congratulate. Hugo Chavez has expelled the Israeli ambassador from Venezuela.