A crude Awakening is a multi award wining film made in 2006 which was very professionally made.
It was very dramatic, alot like an inconvenient truth.
The end of suburbia was made in 2004 and looked alot lower budget. Never the less it was just fine. It kinda reminded me of a conspiracy movie, rather than a hollywood movie. Any who ... Experts included were Matt Simons, many others from ASPO and Mike Ruppert. This one was alot more blunt than the other one. And really talked about the end of the american way of life.
It also talk about the US need to control overseas oil supplies.
So both were good. Both had many of the same characters. And I recommend watching both... i got then both from the public library.
I would also recommend you doing something about this. There is alot the individul can do for him/her self. The decline of oil is inevitable and the globe as a whole WILL NOT be prepared so your better prepare yourself.